A Cookbook shall look like a collection of Recipes, or an index page from where dinner are made. And it keeps you sane.
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We been told Fragment itself should only trust official docs, the implementation detail are prone to any change any time, don’t count on it!
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根据网上的大部分博客的分类,集合框架分为Collections(具有类似数组的功能)和Map(存储键值对)这两大部分。针对jdk1.8的java.util里面的一些常用的或者不常用的集合做一些分析。写这篇文章的过程中,我慢慢发现不同版本jdk的同一个class的实现是有一些差异的(LinkedList),由于对照的是java1.8的代码,里面会多一些since 1.8的代码,这里不作论述。
more >>interesting stuff in java that don’t seem to get enough pubilicity
npm i hexo-generator-json-content --save
jsonContent: meta: false pages: false posts: title: true date: true path: true text: false raw: false content: false slug: false updated: false comments: false link: false permalink: false excerpt: false categories: false tags: true